07 May

When it comes to the basics of electrical control panel design, there are several key factors. Proper panel design should be cost-effective, aesthetically pleasing, simple to operate and reliable in its function.

And while control panel design doesn’t have to be complex, it is a process that could start with one design on paper and lead to a totally different, but better design in the end. It’s important to understand what you want and come up with the best design to get you there. Once you have a blueprint for what you would like to do, it’s time to move onto the design of the control panel’s actual hardware. Here are some tips for doing so:

Assess Power Circuits

Make sure you carefully analyze each power circuit so that you can determine what their required wire size and circuit protection are. It is important to install the right wire size because it will ensure that the circuit delivers the proper load current. Having the right circuit protection will prevent the wiring from overheating and starting a fire. Then it’s time to choose the best power component for the function of the control panel. The voltage and load current will help you find the right sized power component, which will ensure that the panel can function and handle its required workload.

Start Simple

It’s usually best to start with the simplest control components such as relays and timers. If you’re unable to make things work with simple solutions then move onto more advanced ones. But beware, if you do move on to a more complex design it could require a computer and programming software, as well as someone who knows had to program it for functionality. Also start with the simplest operator devices such as pushbuttons, pilot lights, and digital panel meters. If these simple components don’t get the job done, try using and emerging technology such as a color touch screen for the machine’s interface. Once again, a solution like this will require a computer and programming.

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